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EduVentures Latest News

Blog, Events, Projects

Training and awareness raising on Agroecology and Sustainable Development Goals


The EduVentures team completed training and awareness raising on Agroecology and Sustainable Development Goals with ST. Therese Secondary School, Nowak and Kronlein Primary school in Karas region. In the Hardap region...

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Sustainable Development Goals - Kavango Region


Still in the Kavango Region, we trained leaners from Rudolf Ngondo Primary School in Rundu the Sustainable Development Goals.

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National Awareness Campaign workshop in Kavango East


We have successfully completed our National Awareness Campaign workshop in Kavango East, where we trained teachers and out of school youth on Agroecology and Sustainable Development Goals in Mayara Combine School.

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The International Day for Biodiversity


The International Day for Biodiversity is celebrated every year on the 22nd of May and coordinated by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), as part of the United...

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EduLink National Awareness Campaign


Here is an update on the successful completion of the EduLink National Awareness Campaign hosted in all the 14 regions of Namibia. We closed off the campaign on Agroecology and Sustainable...

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Updated Namibian Climate Change Exhibition


We are happy to announce that we have successfully installed the updated Namibian Climate Change Exhibition in Namutoni Environmental Educational Centre in Etosha National Park and Okatjikona Environmetal Educational Centre in...

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Five days teachers training on Ocean Literacy


We facilitated a five days teachers training on Ocean Literacy hosted by the Ministry of Fisheries at the Aquarium in Swakopmund as part of the EduLink project from the 11th to...

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National Education campaign on Agroecology and SDG awareness


For the past two days EduVentures embarked on a journey to the Southern part of Namibia, Keetmanshoop in Karas region to implement the National Education campaign on Agroecology, and SDG awareness....

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School Visits


EduVentures is a Partner Organisation in NamTip project, and as part of the project activities, EduVentures visited five schools (Okakarara sss, Waterberg CS, Coblenz CS, Okamatapati and Okondjatu CS). The aim...

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