Slide Background


EduVentures offers a unique experience for study and discovery. Learning opportunities that include emotional, aesthetic and interactive experiences have replaced ‘teaching’. Bring your class to the Museum – engaging youth in, and actively participate in, collecting data of real scientific value trough gaining hands-on learning activities deepening the collective understanding of its natural and cultural heritage. EduVentures is dedicated to developing and strengthening the education role of non-formal education and providing tools and resources by and for school children, students & teacher.

Projects Overview

  • Museum education

    Museum education EduVentures offers a unique experience for study and discovery. Learning opportunities that include emotional, aesthetic and interactive experiences have replaced ‘teaching’. Bring your class to…

  • Edumobile

    EduMobile The “Ombombo mobile classroom” (EduMobile) is the first of its kind in Southern Africa. With support from SODI e.V., UNDP SGP and EIF a six ton…

  • Edulink

    EduLink Using existing structures and technology EduVentures has established an ESD Network, for strengthening the implementation of EE/ESD in Namibian schools. Namibia already have a…

  • CEPA campaign

    CEPA campaign (Communication & Environmental Public Awareness) This campaign aimed to reach different targets using innovative approaches to promote Communication, Education and Public Awareness. The campaign…

  • Climate Change Mobile Exhibition

    Climate Change Mobile Exhibition Our Climate Change Exhibition shares information about the reality of climate change and what this means for Namibia. It also highlights…

  • Transboundary

    Transboundary Impact EduVentures activities are not only national bound. This is one of the method used by EduVentures for knowledge exchange with the neighbouring countries…
