
Using existing structures and technology EduVentures has established an ESD Network, for strengthening the implementation of EE/ESD in Namibian schools. Namibia already have a diverse of ESD practitioners the ESD Network can build on, rather than replacing or replicating, systems and structures already in place such as existing EE centre and school clusters system. The ESD network aims to equip educators at EEC in the regions and teachers of the nearby school cluster with pedagogical content knowledge, to be enabled cross-curricular teaching of Education for Sustainable Development through hands-on learning using real life examples. The project is based on the principle of a multiplier effect by advocating three tiers of training, namely ESD Educator training, teacher training, and primary and secondary school learner education. The ESD Network satisfies all five Priority Action Areas set out by UNESCO in the framework for the implementation of ESD beyond 2019 for 2030 also known as the ESD for 2030 agenda.

Outcomes since 2017 - 10 ESD centres

Established ESD network of 10 ESD centres to support the integration of ESD into the Namibian education system and to strengthen the ESD sector. Before, there was no ESD network for centres and they all worked in isolation. 2. The ESD capacities of the 20 ESD educators/wardens in the environmental education centres are strengthened in topics such as Biodiversity, Climate Change, CBNRM, and Ocean literacy, Renewable Energies, Heritage and Sustainability. Prior to this, some of the EE educators did not have sufficient EE educators’ skills and less advanced knowledge. These centres are also now equipped with Wi-Fi internet and ITC educational material and equipment to strengthen ESD. 3. About 650 School teachers in rural areas are now able to integrate ESD into their teaching before the project, further training in EE was not offered at environmental education centres to the teachers.

Educators Workshops

Educators at all these centres have also undergone trainings on Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development and certified as ESD educators.

Quote from Mr. Mbeutjiua Rikambura, Chief Warden (Karas Region, Enviroonmental Education and CBNRM, Ministry of Environment and Tourism):

“The EduLink Project captures all principles of Environmental Education and its activities are online with the UNSECO Global Action Programme, EduLink capacitates educators with the necessary skills and knowledge needed to carry out their responsibilities”.

Teachers Workshops

The aim of the second tier of EduLink project is to provide teachers across the curricula spectrum with the background, skills and know-how to incorporate ESD into their respective subject areas (crosscurricular teaching). Groups of teachers will be trained at ESD Centres, using the same modules used during, and developed in conjunction with, ESD Educator training. Again a blended approach will be used through smartboard technology. The ESD Educators will provide face-to-face support.
